Update on columns: sign up to MailPlus!

Graham Grant.
1 min readNov 8, 2022


Hello everyone, thanks for following me on Medium. My Scottish Daily Mail columns will appear on the MailPlus website and app from now on.

Do consider signing up for the digital edition of the paper and downloading the Scottish Daily Mail MailPlus app. It’s only £1 for three months after an initial free ‘hit’. It’s an easy-to-use digital replica of the paper — with interactive puzzles, and podcasts.

My author page on MailPlus, which will collate all my columns, is here:-

Today’s column (November 8th, 2022) can be accessed here:


And don’t forget to give me a follow on Twitter: @GrahamGGrant for updates.

The Scottish Daily Mail app

The Scottish Daily Mail Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/sdmnewspaper/

And if you do enjoy the Scottish Daily Mail app, do give us a five-star rating on Apple Store or Google Play.

You can keep accessing historic columns from this page.

Thank you!




Graham Grant.

Home Affairs Editor, columnist, leader writer, Scottish Daily Mail. Twitter: @GrahamGGrant Columns on MailPlus https://www.mailplus.co.uk/authors/graham-grant